Monday, March 22, 2010

Common health problems of the cats

If you are familiar with cat owner, you may be surprised to discover health problems are. Whatever your cat's best health problems are expected. Some hereditary, while others can be easily prevented.


Whatever it may be best cat, worms are very common, recurring problem. Tapeworms, roundworms and hookworms are among the most common to infect cats. Cats have problems achieving weight problems with which fleas, or if you find a white spots his stool, you have a vet check the worms. Although they can handle with medicine, worms may prove to be fatal if they remain untreated.


Hairballs no problem is the most common health problems for cats. All cats groom themselves on a daily basis, usually swallow the hair loose obtained their icons. Sometimes, this hair loose collects in a ball, lodged in the digestive system instead of being in your stool cat s. When your cat begins coughing, commitment, it is usually a cough up a hairball. Although you can — and ultimately most cats can april hairballs without problems.

In rare cases, hairball pass through a thin cat s, create a blocking. Load are very serious problems, can be life threatening if the Apure t handles. If your cat becomes constipated, can t eat properly or has a very sad icon, it be on hold. If you see these symptoms, you should immediately take it to a vet. You can prevent hairballs, deadlocks by polishing your cat 2 3 times a week to remove loose hair. You can also specify a food that is designed to verify hairballs also.

Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection is also a common problem for health with cats. Urinary tract infection is more common with female cats haven t it was neutered, although females can also suffer from this problem. When the cat litter box stops suddenly standing, the problem is often the cause. Another issue is when the cat's urine begins to smell really strong. If you suspect that your cat have a urinary tract infection, you must take it to a vet. Your veterinarian can address the issue with medicine, and make recommendations to prevent this problem in the future.

Feline leukemia

Feline leukemia was earlier, cause of death in cats. These days there is, however, that you can manipulate the vaccinations are available with the disease. To treat illness, your will need to give the cat a strike before it is exposed. Although the use of t death occur immediately, cats, are exposed to the Feline leukemia usually don t have a long lifetime. If you know your שהחתול have Feline leukemia, you must allow others around him, never cats as the virus is very contagious.

To protect your cat, you must always ensure that you take it to a vet for UPS and its constant check box. If you are a current on vaccinations, he must live a healthy and productive. Although some health problems can t must be avoided, most of them. You can also keep your cat indoors as well, which protects it against most health problems. If your cat is a cat outside regular veterinarian visit him healthy future. As long as you take the cat veterinarian and save it to a healthy, it will be your companion in years to come.

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